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...a library designed especially for leisure and different kinds of events, where people from different age-groups and cultures have a chance to meet and interact. Particularly important are...
Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference for librarian and librarylovers, and a bicycle tour. Cycling for libraries supports grassroots networking, and internationalism, physical...
...is a skill, but also a life-long practice of discovery, learning, and joy. Literacy has specific outcomes for personal and societal well-being by promoting participation to culture and...

New website on Finnish libraries published

Börje the Reading Assistance Dog, Hunt the Mole game, open data applications and a mobile library shared and operated across country borders in Lapland are some examples of...
...the comments and questions from the conference’s followers. On 2021 the conference was organized online from 3rd to 4th of November, and the focus was on libraries and...
...policies: libraries’ roles in democratic public spheres”. At the end of the presentation, moderator of the conference Päivi Jokitalo interviews Håkon Larsen and Leena Aaltonen and reviews the...
...(- 12:45) Society is rapidly being changed and transformed through many external influences, such as access to and use of ICT, grass roots democracy movements, multiculturalism and cultural...
...libraries and library services. And a passion for restoring vintage cars. Reshape 2019 gathed librarians and other professionals from different countries to the newly opened, amazing Helsinki Central...
...organisations. Maria Cotera-Zubeldia, convener of the IFLA Women, Information and Libraries Special Interest Group, tells more. Read more: IFLA conference 2012 in Helsinki, Finland Reporter: Anu Lång Filming...
...libraries’ environmental work and, among other things, what obstacles are encountered in their environmental work.The survey confirms the assumption that public library staff perceive libraries as environmentally conscious...
...but also a life-long practice of discovery, learning, and joy. Literacy has specific outcomes for personal and societal well-being by promoting participation to culture and society. It creates...
...a cornerstone of an open democracy”. At the end of the presentation, moderator of the conference Päivi Jokitalo interviews Virrankoski and reviews the comments and questions from the...
Live-stream recording from a two-day webinar “Nordic Libraries Annual 2021”. This live streaming video includes a speech by author Juha Itkonen ”Libraries – birthplaces of readers and writers”....
...in Helsinki City Library since 2009. Prior to that she has worked in BTJ Finland and Academic Bookstore and also in Hämeenlinna City Library. Reshape 2019 gathed librarians...
...State Administrative Agencies in Finland website Nordic Libraries Annual 2020: Towards Sustainable Futures See also:Other presentations in English on Kirjastokaista Live-stream: Panu Somerma, Mikko Helander and Joonas NevalainenProducer:...
...Harri Annala and Mikko Ampuja Filming: Panu Somerma and Mikko Helander Editing: Panu Somerma Pictures: The Central Library, Media Bank Music: http://www.purple-planet.com Editor and producer: Riitta Taarasti Production: Kirjastokaista –...
...library is one of the few safe havens around. All the hours spent at the library have also reflected positively to Anna’s school results, and in the future...
...was Literacy, Libraries and The Civil Society. Libraries cultivate literacy for all ages. Literacy is a skill, but also a life-long practice of discovery, learning, and joy. Literacy...

Bibliotek och demokrati

...genom att hjälpa användarna hitta pålitliga källor. Åsa poängterar också att det inte behövs enbart källkritik, utan man behöver också bakgrundskunskap om själva ämnet, för att kritiskt kunna...
...LIS Student Paper Award 2012 PETRA HAUKE and BARBARA LISON ekz library service, Germany Grantees IFLA World Library and Information Congress (+ Aspire Award) INGRID PARENT IFLA President...
...to be – it is limitless”. At the end of the presentation, moderator of the conference Päivi Jokitalo interviews Bagir Kwiek and Virpi Launonen and reviews the comments...
...käyttöön. Tämänvuotisen SeniorSurf-kampanjavideon teemana on opastaminen ja yhdessä oppiminen. Haluamme rohkaista videon avulla kaikkia nykyisiä ja tulevia seniorisurfaajia mukaan opastustoimintaan. Joku osaa yhtä, toinen toista, jollakin on hyvä...
...toimintaperiaatteisiin sekä yleisiin käytäntöihin asiakaspalvelussa sähköisen asioinnin osalta. Yksi näistä digitaitoihin pureutuvista koulutuksista avattiin kaikkien saataville tämän 15.11.2018 suorana lähetetyn koulutuksen kautta. Koulutus on osa Digitaalisen syrjäytymisen ehkäisyä...
Livestream-tallenne, jossa Rockwayn Marketing Manager Ari Latvala esittelee Rockway-palvelua PiKe-webinaarissa. Digiajokortin valinnaiseen E-osioon sisältyy Rockway-palvelun perusteiden hallinta. Rockway-webinaarissa esitellään palvelun perusominaisuuksia ja toiminnallisuuksia sekä keskustellaan palvelun markkinoinnin kehittämisestä...
Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa käynnistyi tammikuussa 2010 kirjastoalan koulutus, joka on suunnattu korkeakoulututkinnon suorittaneille maahanmuuttajataustaisille henkilöille. Koulutus toteutetaan osana Turun amk:n hallinnoimaa Open Zone -hanketta. Opiskelijat kertovat ohjelmassa mm. mikä sai...
...taiturimaista runoutta, spoken wordiä nuorten runoilloista ja rap-lyriikkaa tuomiotaan suorittavien kynästä. Tekstit puhuvat raskaasta arjesta ja suurista murheista, mutta niiden kypsä tapa kertoa vaikeuksista kaunistelematta avaa oven monenlaisiin...

Kirjastokaista goes Tanzania!

...kävimme pikaisesti kastautumassa putouksen alla ja jatkoimme sitten matkaa. Autolle päästyämme jalat olivat aikalailla hapoilla, mutta toisaalta kukaan ei olisi vaihtanut kokemuksta mistään hinnasta. Upea tapa aloittaa päivä.     Edwardin kanssa...

Watch the videos from the first Nordic Libraries Annual conference

...and furniture renovation – Our library’s environmental action plan and its effectsLibrary Director Fredrika Sundberg, Mariehamn City Library  The ”Climate warrior” escape room in a mobile library and...
...Tittamari Marttinen 21:54 Käärme kainalossa ja muita tarinoita, kirjoittanut Silja Vuorikuru 23:23 Selkokirjoista tekstittömiin kirjoihin 24:14 Lentokala, kertonut ja kuvittanut Sanni Tervo 25:43 Reetu jättilintu, kertonut ja kuvittanut...
...hyenas, leopards, camels and many other Somali animal have great adventures in this book. Available also as an audio book. Sheekoxarirooyinkii hore Ee caruurta Somaliyeed, sheekooyinka xayawaanada, sida...