Outi Ugas: Results of the libraries’ environmental awareness survey and the library’s carbon footprint

Senior expert Outi Ugas from Positive Impact gives a presentation titled “The results of the libraries’ environmental awareness survey and the library’s carbon footprint”. The presentation is a part of the Ympäristötietoisuutta kirjastoihin (Environmental Awareness for Libraries) -webinar, which was held on March 3, 2021. The webinar was organized by Kirjastojen ympäristötietoisuus 2020-luvulle (Library Environmental Awareness for the 2020s) project. The webinar includes explanations e.g., what is a 1.5 degree library and what is ecologically sustainable development in the arts and culture industries. The webinar also presented the research results of the project and the environmental actions of the libraries.

Yleisten kirjastojen ympäristötietoisuus 2020-luvulle (The Public Libraries ‘Environmental Awareness to the 2020s) -project is a national research and education project (2020–2021) managed by Helsinki City Library and is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, which aims to promote libraries’ environmental awareness, carbon neutrality and sharing economy.

In the autumn of 2020, Yleisten kirjastojen ympäristötietoisuus 2020-luvulle -project commissioned a survey on the environmental awareness of libraries, which was answered by 167 libraries. The survey examined the current state of libraries’ environmental work and, among other things, what obstacles are encountered in their environmental work.
The survey confirms the assumption that public library staff perceive libraries as environmentally conscious and are themselves aware of practical environmental issues. However, some things about environmental work are difficult. The survey was conducted by the project’s expert partner Positive Impact.

Read more:
All presentations from the Ympäristötietoisuutta kirjastoihin webinar (in Finnish)
Green Library webpage (in Finnish)
Results of the Library Environmental Awareness Survey (in Finnish)
Results of the libraries’ carbon footprint measurement (pdf, in Finnish)

Stream: Panu Somerma and Mikko Helander
Producer: Riitta Taarasti
Production: Kirjastokaista – Kirjastot.fi, 2021

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