Minna Karvonen: Opening the seminar – The Marrakesh Treaty in Action

Live-stream recording from the seminar “The Marrakesh Treaty in Action” in Helsinki, Finland on March 12, 2019. This live streaming video includes opening by Minna Karvonen, Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.

The Marrakesh Treaty came into force for the European Union on 1 January 2019. What is the Marrakesh Treaty and what does it mean for libraries in practice? The international seminar ”The Marrakesh Treaty in Action. Implementing the treaty and more ideas for accessible digital reading” was held in the new Helsinki Central Library Oodi. The seminar was organized by Celia (Library for the Print Disabled), IFLA and Finnish Library Association.

Additional information:
All the videos from the seminar
About Conference

Live-stream: Panu Somerma and Mikko Helander
Producer: Riitta Taarasti
Produced by Library Channel (Kirjastokaista), 2019

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