Library Systems and Technology
In the Library Systems and Technology category you will find presentations, interviews and discussions that are related to library systems and technology. The recordings are, for the most part, originally live streamed from library related seminars, events and conferences.
Tips! You will find more library systems and technology programs in Finnish in category Kirjastojärjestelmät ja tekniikka.
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Live-stream recording from a two-day conference “RESHAPE – Reshaping lives and libraries” in Helsinki, Finland. This live streaming video includes a presentation by Olli Ohls, Robotics Engineer, Futurice and Sanna […]
Live-stream recording from a conference “Vaikuta tai kuole” in Helsinki, Finland on September 25, 2017. This live streaming video includes a speech by keynote speaker, Senior Specialist Kai Välbe from […]
Live-stream recording from a two-day ”Koha seminar” in Joensuu, Finland on May 21-22, 2015. This live streaming video includes a presentation ”Creating Better Library Services” by Arve Søreide, the Program […]
Live-stream recording from a two-day ”Koha seminar” in Joensuu, Finland on May 21-22, 2015. This live streaming video includes a presentation ”Experiences of Koha in Lyon” by Sonia Bouis, a […]
Live-stream recording from a two-day ”Koha seminar” in Joensuu, Finland on May 21-22, 2015. This live streaming video includes a presentation ”Koha and Stockholm University Library” by Inga Nyman Ambrosiani, […]
Live-stream recording from a two-day ”Koha seminar” in Joensuu, Finland on May 21-22, 2015. This live streaming video includes a presentation ”Koha in Finland” by Ari Mäkiranta, the Library Director […]
Live-stream recording from a two-day “Koha seminar” in Joensuu, Finland on May 21-22, 2015. This live streaming video includes a presentation “Koha, Story and History” by Keynote speaker Paul Poulain. […]
Live-stream recording from the “LIBRARY. I LOVE IT!” -seminar, 27th August 2014 in Iisalmi, Finland. A panel discussion featuring participants from all seven libraries of the Rutakko Network. The project […]
Jonna Holmgaard Larsen, the Chief consultant of The Danish Agency for Culture tells about the new Danish model program for Public Libraries. The program will be launched in September 2013. […]