Cristina Andersson: Robotics serving people and the thirst for knowledge

Live-stream recording from a two-day conference “RESHAPE 2017 – People and Spaces” in Helsinki, Finland on September 21.-22. 2017. This live streaming video includes a presentation by Cristina Andersson, Author and Entrepreneur, Finland “Robotics serving people and the thirst for knowledge”.

Reshape 2017 is an international library conference organized by Helsinki City Library. This year the main themes revolve around people and spaces. Library spaces are discussed from several different perspectives and the relationship between libraries and people is reflected from staff’s and different customer groups’ point of view as well as through the larger concept of compassionate public spaces.

Additional information:
Helsinki Central Library
About Conference

Image mixing: Mikko Helander
Cameras: Panu Somerma
Graphics: Mikko Helander
Producer: Riitta Taarasti
Produced by Kirjastokaista • Bibliotekskanalen • Library Channel, 2017

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