Author Archives: Mikko
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Library Channel produces programs that can be viewed on various platforms and services. However, the central hub is the website. We have implemented updates on the site to further […]
Sarah Mears, the Programme Manager for Libraries Connected and a founder member of EmpathyLab, gives a presentation ‘Reading, libraries and children’s wellbeing – a UK perspective’. The presentation is a […]
Senior expert Outi Ugas from Positive Impact gives a presentation titled “The results of the libraries’ environmental awareness survey and the library’s carbon footprint”. The presentation is a part of […]’s user interface has been modified during the spring. The changes have made the site clearer to use and programmes are now easier to find. Additionally the site is now […]
In the Author-Dogs -series Timo Parvela tells us how his dogs affect his work as a writer and everyday life. Take a walk with Parvela and his Lancashire Heelers Muru […]
In the Author-Dogs -series Sirpa Kähkönen tells us how her dog affects her work as a writer and everyday life. Take a walk with Kähkönen and her mixed-race dog Nelli […]
In the Author-Dogs -series JP Koskinen tells us how his dog affects his work as a writer and everyday life. Take a walk with Koskinen and his Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier Hugo […]
Cycling for libraries was a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour for librarians and library lovers from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28 – June […]