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Tip! Kirjastokaista contains all Finnish spoken and programs with Finnish subtitles, and Bibliotekskanalen all Swedish spoken and programs with Swedish subtitles.
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Live-stream recording from a one-day conference ”Ahead of the Curve: recognizing and reacting to growing trends on the Trend Report” IFLA organised in Helsinki, Finland 9th February 2015. This live streaming […]
Live-stream recording from a one-day conference ”Ahead of the Curve: recognizing and reacting to growing trends on the Trend Report” IFLA organised in Helsinki, Finland 9th February 2015. This live […]
Live-stream recording from a one-day conference ”Ahead of the Curve: recognizing and reacting to growing trends on the Trend Report” IFLA organised in Helsinki, Finland 9th February 2015. This live streaming […]
Live-stream recording from a one-day conference ”Ahead of the Curve: recognizing and reacting to growing trends on the Trend Report” IFLA organised in Helsinki, Finland 9th February 2015. This live […]
Live-stream recording from a one-day conference ”Ahead of the Curve: recognizing and reacting to growing trends on the Trend Report” IFLA organised in Helsinki, Finland 9th February 2015. This live streaming […]
Live-stream recording from a one-day conference ”Ahead of the Curve: recognizing and reacting to growing trends on the Trend Report” IFLA organised in Helsinki, Finland 9th February 2015. This live streaming […]
Live-stream recording from a one-day conference ”Ahead of the Curve: recognizing and reacting to growing trends on the Trend Report” IFLA organised in Helsinki, Finland 9th February 2015. This live streaming […]
Live-stream recording from a one-day conference ”Ahead of the Curve: recognizing and reacting to growing trends on the Trend Report” IFLA organised in Helsinki, Finland 9th February 2015. This live streaming […]
Live-stream recording from a one-day conference ”Ahead of the Curve: recognizing and reacting to growing trends on the Trend Report” IFLA organised in Helsinki, Finland 9th February 2015. This live streaming […]
Great advice for introvert librarians, understanding library politics and the library as a symbol for the quality of life. This and much more in this week’s episode of TWIL: your […]
Library Connection documentary is about the co-operation between Vantaa and Windhoek which resulted in establishing the Greenwell Matongo Community Library.
These library directors discuss the new library law in the Netherlands and the cohen report about the Library of the future. This and much more in this week’s episode of […]
Adviser Ülle Talihärm from Estonian Ministry of Culture tells about the public library legislation reform. The presentation was held in Helsinki on the 12th of November in 2014. Read more: […]
Digital Amnesia: how safe is your library collection and library business models. This and much more in this week’s episode of TWIL: your weekly dose of library innovation! This video […]
Building of the central library begins in fall 2016 and it will be completed in 2018 to celebrate the centennial of Finnish independence. The library is the Finnish Government’s official […]
William G. Brozo, the Professor of Literacy of Graduate School of Education in George Mason University, talks about the issue of boys’ reading achievement. This interview is based on his […]
Live-stream recording from the “LIBRARY. I LOVE IT!” -seminar, 27th August 2014 in Iisalmi, Finland. A panel discussion featuring participants from all seven libraries of the Rutakko Network. The project […]
Live-stream recording from the “LIBRARY. I LOVE IT!” -seminar, 27th August 2014 in Iisalmi, Finland. Eeva Hiltunen, AVI Eastern Finland, and Taina Pirhonen, AVI Southern Finland, tell about “regional state […]
Live-stream recording from the “LIBRARY. I LOVE IT!” -seminar, 27th August 2014 in Iisalmi, Finland. Aino Ketonen, Information Specialist and Project Leader at the Consortium of Public Libraries, tells about […]
Live-stream recording from the “LIBRARY. I LOVE IT!” -seminar, 27th August 2014 in Iisalmi, Finland. Jarmo Saarti, Library Director of University of Eastern Finland Library, tells about the Networked Libraries. […]
Leadership and mentoring in libraries, working with micro grants and the importance of strategy planning. This and much more in this week’s episode of TWIL: your weekly dose of library […]
Getting back to learning. Learning from non-users through marketing research. The importance of building culture and attitude vs. qualifications. This and much more in this week’s episode of TWIL: your […]
Makerspaces and what are they about? Librarians as cheerleaders and how to stay connected to the users of your library. This and much more in this week’s episode of TWIL: […]
Involving communities, taking care of your users and Library strategies & cultural entrepreneurship in tough times. This and much more in this week’s episode of TWIL: your weekly dose of […]
IFLA president’s meeting ordnades den 22 -24.5. i Helsingfors. Temat för seminariet var ”Strong Libraries, Strong Societies: Impact of Libraries on Society”. Under seminariet diskuterades bibliotekens påverkan på samhället och […]
The meeting was held on 22-24 May in Helsinki, Finland and entitled ”Strong Libraries, Strong Societies: Impact of Libraries on Society”. It corresponded to current IFLA President Sinikka Sipilä’s Presidential […]
Livestream recording from Crwdpuisto, Finland’s first mass fundraising event. Recording of “The Year Changed Through Crowdsourcing”, participants: professor Mikko Koria of Aalto University, Oliver Gajda of ECN, Mika Jordman of […]
Livestream recording from Crwdpuisto, Finland’s first mass fundraising event. The recording contains “The crowdfunding industry rising in the world” by Oliver Gajdan of European Crowdfunding Network. Crwdpuisto was organized on […]