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Tip! Kirjastokaista contains all Finnish spoken and programs with Finnish subtitles, and Bibliotekskanalen all Swedish spoken and programs with Swedish subtitles.

Introducing one of the five different tracks at this year’s IFLA World Library and Information Congress in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ngian Lek Choh opens up the track of users […]

Introducing one of the five different tracks at this year’s IFLA World Library and Information Congress in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Helena Asamoah-Hassan opens up the track of Policy, strategy, […]

The World Library and Information Congress 2012, 78th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, will take place in Helsinki, Finland. The theme of the congress is Libraries now – Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering! […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour starting from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28. – June 6. 2011. The event […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour starting from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28. – June 6. 2011. The event […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour starting from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28. – June 6. 2011. The event […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour starting from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28. – June 6. 2011. The event […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour starting from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28. – June 6. 2011. The event […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour starting from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28. – June 6. 2011. The event […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour starting from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28. – June 6. 2011. The event […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour starting from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28. – June 6. 2011. The event […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour starting from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28. – June 6. 2011. The event […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference and a bicycle tour starting from Copenhagen, Denmark to Berlin, Germany May 28. – June 6. 2011. The event […]

What’s the difference between E-books and regular books? In this series of videos we’re trying to find out. Remember you can borrow different kinds of E-book readers from Espoo City […]

President of the American Library Association Roberta Stevens visited Fnland in June 2011. She gave a keynote speech at the National Library Conference in Oulu and had another presentation at […]

Has this ever happened to you? Library staff have an idea that they believe will really be helpful to the public, ‘if only we marketed it’ and ‘if only we […]

Helle Juul, well-known architect and CEO of the JUUL FROST architect team, gave a presentation in The New Library-conference with the heading The Future Library – from bookshelves to cultural […]

Pablo Riquelme, interior architect from design agency Kuudes kerros, is the man behind the Helsinki City Library’s new concept. Kuudes kerros has created a spatial and visual concept for Helsinki […]

Brian Gambles was one of the speakers at The New Library – Design and Function conference in Helsinki. He has been directing the development of the new library being constructed […]

From the Magic Boxes to the Media Lab, a new project Ioannis Trohopoulos, Library Director and Dr. Dimitris Protopsaltou, Media and Communication, Veria Central Public Library A pecha kucha presentation […]

Kista Idea City/Lab – Partnerships for inclusion Åke Nygren, Stockholm City Library A pecha kucha presentation from ‘The New Library – Design and Function’ conference held February 10-12, 2011, at […]

A new public library in Barcelona Josep M. Miró i Gellida, Architect A pecha kucha presentation from ‘The New Library – Design and Function’ conference held February 10-12, 2011, at […]

Explore, Discover, Be Inspired Inger Edebro Sikström, Library Director, Umeå Public Library A pecha kucha presentation from ‘The New Library – Design and Function’ conference held February 10-12, 2011, at […]

Katja Kyllönen from gave a presentation about libraries as media educators at the experts seminar More Than Just Child’s Pl@y which was held 11.2.2011 and organized by Mannerheim League […]

Small children and children in school age spend a great amount of their time among different media. That’s why it’s important to develop media education in early childhood. The subject […]

Tanja-Riikka Knyazev from Finnish Youth Societies told about the Mun Vuoro! My Turn! -project at the experts seminar More Than Just Child’s Pl@y which was held 10.-11.2.2011 and organized by […]

Finnish Society on Media Education and Mannerheim League of Child Welfare organized a meeting for experts on 10.-11.2.2011 in Helsinki. Annikka Suoninen, a researcher from the university of Jyväskylä, gave […]

Second nordic library labs gathering took place 19th – 20th Jan in Helsinki, Finland. Library innovators from Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark got together to Suomenlinna island to find ways […]

Sinikka Sipilä, Secretary General of the Finnish Library Association is interviewed by Tuula Haavisto, Director of Libraries in the City of Tampere. They discuss on Sinikka Sipilä’s experiences in the […]

Professor David Nicholas (University College London) visited the National Digital Library day in Helsinki, Finland. In his keynote ‘The Google Generation: challenges and changes for libraries, archives and museums’ he […]