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In the All Programs category on Library Channel, you can find all English-language programs or programs with English subtitles. By default, programs are displayed in the order of release. You can also sort them by popularity or alphabetically.
Tip! Kirjastokaista contains all Finnish spoken and programs with Finnish subtitles, and Bibliotekskanalen all Swedish spoken and programs with Swedish subtitles.

Finnish libraries will be introducing themselves at the conference – not just in the lecture halls in IFLA conference 2012 in Helsinki. The route from the convention centre entrance to […]

In the community of Larsmo library statistics have been on the rise for a long time. No wonder, because even the fish read. Find out what lies behind this amazing […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference for librarian and librarylovers, and a bicycle tour. Cycling for libraries supports grassroots networking, and internationalism, physical and mental […]

In Jakobstad the city library organizes co-operation between the school and the library. This way, the library can have an impact outside its walls as well. Monica Borg-Sunabacka, barn- och […]

The video tells about a bookmobile that drives around not only in Lapland but also in Norway and Sweden. The video includes interviews with the bookmobile driver and customers. The […]

Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.®) is a fun, effective and inexpensive way to improve children’s reading skills through the assistance of registered therapy animal teams as literacy mentors. Animals can be […]

In this video you’ll see examples of different kinds of services libraries provide outside of libraries. The video also focuses on the importance of collaboration. Kirjasto ei suinkaan toimi pelkästään […]

In the video there are many people from different age groups and different occupations who tell about their favourite genres in literature and their favourite books. They also tell us why reading […]

Goodnight stories from inmates dads is a collaboration between Vaasa City Library and Vaasa Prison helping imprisoned parents to keep in touch with their children at home through storytelling. A […]

Tritonia library serves research, education and studies at the University of Vaasa, Vamk University of Applied Sciences, Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa and Jakobstad and Novia University of Applied Sciences […]

Arbis, the Swedish Adult Education Centre of Helsinki, is one of the largest municipally owned adult education centres in Finland. They have their own little library which has it’s own […]

Sami Serola tells about the results of a study, which was conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Information Studies and Interactive Media department of University of […]

Entresse library takes a laid-back and sometimes even a little unpredictable approach to its duty to civilize and educate. The atmosphere in the library is unaffected and convivial. Entresse is […]

Who has the responsibility in the libraries to watch over children’s shoulders and take care of what they are doing, especially on the internet? Should there be a special place in the […]

Kirsti Kekki tells about legislations regarding libraries and the details of their preparation. Millainen on suomalainen tapa järjestää kirjastopalveluita? Miten kirjastoa koskeva lainsäädäntö pidetään ajan tasalla? Kulttuuriasiainneuvos Kirsti Kekki kertoo […]

The video is about how librarians’ education has to be updated with the changes in the libraries concerning technology, for instance. In the future libraries will become more multi-professional, so what skills […]

The project Sanat peliin (Words Play) allows inmates who will soon be released to have an opportunity to learn more about literature and information retrieval. In the video Irmeli Malka-Kannisto […]

In this video information service assistant Mikko Hyötyniemi tells us how partnership in the Barents region came to be, how it works and what are the difficulties and advantages to run cultural […]

We get information about the book boat which travels around the islands that don’t have road connections. The book boat has been sailing on the sea over 30 years and now gives […]

Merja Rostila tells about digitising services libraries offer. Haluatko digitoida kotiarkistosi aarteet? Mitä tehdä vanhoille VHS-videonauhoille, kun kotona ei ole enää videonauhuria? Entä diojen muuttaminen digikuviksi tai vanhojen punasävyisten valokuvien […]

In 2006 Jakobstad library took a step forward and started to lend e-books to customers. Only a short while earlier Sweden had done the same. The popularity of e-books increased when student […]

Helsinki will soon become the home of the library of the 2020’s, the new Helsinki Central Library, that will be the most popular meeting place in the city. We expect […]

A photo collage on Kotka libraries and how they decided to decrease stress to the environment through their actions because of their massive carbon dioxide emissions for many different reasons. Where did […]

A librarian student from Oulu University tells us what her studies include, how she decided to get a librarian education, what she would like to do in the future as a librarian […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference for librarian and librarylovers, and a bicycle tour. Cycling for libraries supports grassroots networking, and internationalism, physical and mental […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference for librarian and librarylovers, and a bicycle tour. Cycling for libraries supports grassroots networking, and internationalism, physical and mental […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference for librarian and librarylovers, and a bicycle tour. Cycling for libraries supports grassroots networking, and internationalism, physical and mental […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference for librarian and librarylovers, and a bicycle tour. Cycling for libraries supports grassroots networking, and internationalism, physical and mental […]

Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference for librarian and librarylovers, and a bicycle tour. Cycling for libraries supports grassroots networking, and internationalism, physical and mental […]

Live-stream recording of Cycling for Libraries 2012 update 3.8.2012. Cycling for libraries is a politically and economically independent international unconference for librarian and librarylovers, and a bicycle tour. Cycling for libraries supports […]